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Tarot Butoh Cards Performance

So., 03. Dez.



"Decipher me or I devour you"

Tarot Butoh Cards Performance
Tarot Butoh Cards Performance


03. Dez. 2023, 20:00 – 21:00

Wien, Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien, Österreich


Improvisation game. Butoh Tarot Dance. Oracle. Live music. Dancers on stage. A tarot reader opens the Tarot to the audience. "Do you have any questions?" According to the cards drawn, a musician will compose ambiences, soundscapes and dramaturgy in electroacoustic constructions. At the same time, the performers will synthesize the entire composition of the cards and electroacoustic sounds into an oracle dance. "Decipher me or I will devour you"


Special guest: Lucia Sombras (ES)

Dancers: Group of workshop participants

Direction and performance: Will Lopes (BR)


Normal: 20 €

Ermäßigt: 10 € for artists, IG-Card holders and students


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    Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien

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